Answering the question,

“Why do I do the very thing I hate?”

The Genesis Process is a ministry designed to help people identify and change self-destructive behaviors, build healthy relationships and learn how to use tools for relapse prevention. At Faith Apostolic Church, we offer the Genesis Process using two different approaches:


Change groups are designed to provide accountability and support for anyone interested in changing a repetitive or toxic coping behavior. Our change groups meet weekly for approximately 20 weeks. Participants are asked to identify problematic behaviors they are willing to work on and make commitments each week to actively work toward positive change.


In the one-on-one sessions, certified Genesis Process facilitators provide individual coaching to help participants keep their commitments and move toward personal goals.

The Genesis Process is an integration of Biblical principles, proven relapse prevention techniques, cognitive therapy and the latest research in neurochemistry. This process has proven successful in maintaining long-term recovery.

The Genesis Process is successful because it deals with subconscious relapse patterns by addressing the underlying faulty belief systems that support them. Recovery ministries that have incorporated this process into their programs have seen an increase in their success and retention rates of 33% to 50% in just the first year.

If you would like to speak with a facilitator about which setting is right for you, please call (317) 468-3248

or fill out the form below, and we will contact you shortly